24th May 2003
Updated to version 1.65
+ Added min, max & average keyframe distance reports (seems to work fine).
+ Added max sequential P-frames report (may be buggy).
+ Added max sequential B-frames report (works fine).
* Frame list window fixed.
* Some small bugs fixed.
* Report to text file updated with new information.
– Suggestion of Curve Aggression removed, because no suggestion can be made by reading the stats file (as told by Koepi on this thread).
– Console window removed to save some window space.
16th February 2003
Updated to version 1.60
+ Added a frame listing window. (Really slow output!!!)
+ Added some presets of XviD settings. Looking forward to your comments, suggestions, etc…
+ Added some simple calculation routines for estimated video size, bits*(pixel/frame), etc…
* Refresh button moved outside the tab panel for easier access.
* Some small bugs fixed.
– Linear curve compression function was removed, because of its implementation in the XviD codec.
27th November 2002
Updated to version 1.52
+ Added skipped frames reporting.
* Some bugs fixed.
21st November 2002
Added some required files to the download section.
17th November 2002
Updated to version 1.51
+Added support for B-Frame reporting using Koepi’s 14/11/2002 build and later. Now, I need to update the linear downscale formulas to support B-Frames.
16th October 2002
Updated to version 1.40
+ Added a report output.
+ Adder “bits/(pixel*frame)” info. That’s really usefull for linear scaling, but I added it to original stats info, too.
* Updated: minimum I & P-frame calculation formulas.
27th September 2002
Updated to version 1.30
+ Added: some more info on the results of the linear curve compression.
* Updated: linear downscale formula. Multiple passes are used to achieve desired AVI size.
* Updated: minimum I & P-frame calculation formulas. Many thanks to Koepi for this one.
23rd September 2002
Updated to version 1.20
+ Added: linear curve compression. (It’s quite accurate. Just some small fixes needed to achieve optimal result).
+ Added: auto load button.
+ Added: start & end frame range selection (and auto load from registry).
* Updated: motion engine. Now it’s the same as NanDub’s.
* Alt. Curve Compression type is not suggested, as it cannot be determined by the stats file.
* Many bugs fixed.
– Removed: 2nd pass simulation, since it was completely flawed. It’s very difficult to write the actual routine. (It’s in 2pass.c file and I must convert it to Visual Basic.)
Official Site is created, but still under construction. The “How to Use” guide must be written.